There seems to be no slowing down on the number of web3 virtual worlds in development, with the latest total now reaching 65. That's a lot and probably too many for the market to accommodate in its current state. Web3 MAUs in the Metaverse still only account for 0.9% of the total population, equating to circa 2.4m MAUs (and that is an optimistic number).
We speak to a lot of the web3 companies in development and in particular, about user acquisition. There's still a misconception from a lot of these companies that they can efficiently pull Telegram group members and Discord users into their worlds. Companies that rely soley on this method of user acquisition are going to learn the hard way that this can't be scaled and that the user profiles are significantly different.
Here's where we're at...
We distribute our Metaverse Universe charts for free and they can be requested here.
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